Ballarat Rockers Inc., (A0032064E).
Ballarat Rock and Roll Club ABN 73 840 127 309
This Logo is the property of Ballarat Rockers Inc., and must not be used for any purpose without written permission.
Ballarat Rockers is a social Club of Rock 'n' Roll dance enthusiasts who enjoy dancing with particular emphasis on freestyle Rock 'n' Roll.
Membership can be arranged at any of the Club lessons on a Friday night. Membership Application Forms are available at any Class night for those who have completed one full Term of Classes or at the Committee's discretion. Membership is $25 per person or $50 per family, per year renewable end December each year and entitles members to discounted Club activities, "Rock Goss" newsletter and other benefits throughout the year.
Ballarat Rockers have two MAJOR dances, five end of Term Socials, plus other events throughout the year, see our Calendar for details.
Don't hesitate, come along and learn to dance your favourite moves. We also have practice nights each Monday night throughout each term, so Rock on and join in the fun.
Please also see our new FACEBOOK page for all the latest information.
Current Committee.
President | John Morris |
Ph. 0418 543 637, |
Vice President | Barb Smart | |
Treasurer | Kim Lewry | |
Secretary | Deb Stabek | |
Entertainment Officer | Rod Smart | |
Ordinary Members | Terry Bedggood | |
Peter Brightly | ||
John Bauska |
News Letter Editor | TBA |